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Sunday, September 14, 2014

An overview of Facebook Targeting Options

Advertisements on Facebook are different; they are shown to different types of people according to your specifications. When you are setting up your Facebook ad, you will be asked to specify your goal, and what type of audience you are trying to reach. There are numerous different targeting options available for you to choose from, so your ad is only shown to people you think are your target audience.
You can choose to show your ad to people in a particular location. This is really helpful if you are a local business and want to show your ads to people in your local city.
Another Facebook targeting option is according to age. For example, if you are advertising something that is not appropriate for children, you can set an age limit. Or you can specifically target a certain age group that you think is your target audience.
Facebook also offers a targeting option to show ads to a specific gender. If you have a product that only men are likely to buy you can set the ad to be shown to only men.
You can only reach people through their interests, for example, if you own a car showroom you can target the ad towards people who are interested in cars.
Broad Categories
Another targeting option is to target people, according to a general category, like students, parents or teachers. This is particularly useful if you are offering a product that will attract a certain category of people. For example, you are offering textbooks, in this case you will want to target students.

Facebook offers a targeting option that can target people according to their connections, like the pages they have liked. Or you can choose to show ads only to people who have liked your page.

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