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Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Content Marketing Goals Worth Pursuing

For content marketing to work you first need to identify your business and marketing goals, and only after you have done that can you create content that will fulfill those goals.
There are several goals you can pursue to be successful in content marketing.
To Build Trust
You need to build trust with your readers, and to do that you need to create useful and interesting content that will help people. This will help create a trusting relationship.
To expand your audience
To attract new readers your content has to be interesting so that it is shared on social media and it attracts new links. This will lead to new people finding you. If your content is remarkable it will be shared all over the internet and more and more people will find you.
To solve a problem
You can focus your content on solving your reader’s problems, like “what should I feed my 2 year old baby” or “how do I manage my finances”. You must understand what problems your prospects face, then try to solve them and also integrate your marketing goals into the solution.
To show benefits
Show the benefits your business offers, try to connect your audience’s problems with the solutions your business can offer. You can also provide tips and tricks to solve simple problems to build a more trusting connection with your prospects.
To address possible objections
You can use your content to address possible objections people could have against your business, or address any complaints people have against your business.
Paint a larger picture with your product

For content marketing to successfully work you have to describe the full experience of using your product, don’t just describe the product. Showing people what is would be like to own the product. You can write stories focusing on your product to motivate your readers to buy it.

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