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Tuesday, August 26, 2014

What are the bad blogging habits?

Most bloggers have some bad habits, but few can identify them as bad habits and this can kill your momentum and your blog.
The first bad habit is believing more is better. Many bloggers tend to think they have to have more content, they focus more on the quantity then the quality. People nowadays prefer less good quality content over pages and pages of irrelevant material.
The second bad habit of blogging is focusing too much on SEO. Bloggers write articles solely based on search engine optimization and keyword research so that more people can find their blog using search engines. Firstly, you should write content that is relevant. And secondly, if you don’t care about people liking your content and just want to drive traffic to your blog, you will still not achieve anything by posting worthless content thanks to googles new algorithm changes known as Hummingbird. This new change will significantly reduce the amount of worthless content that shows up across the World Wide Web.
Another bad blogging habit is uploading images randomly. You need to find pictures that are relevant to your content, not just something you liked. You have to be thoughtful and strategic in finding pictures for your blog.
One more bad habit of bloggers today is that they don’t talk directly to their target audiences. You have to be specific about who you are targeting and how you can help them. You will have to be specific ad give details. If you don’t do this you will ruin the chances of benefiting from your blog.

One last bad blogging habit I would like to discuss is blogging without a plan. If you post whenever you feel like it and you often go months without posting anything, it is clear that you don’t have a plan. You need to have a plan to blog successfully.

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