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Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Human being is surrounded by a lot of relations. Every relation has obvious and certain expectations from oneself. Few days back I was watching a News Channel and found out that Mother's day was being celebrated. I wondered that why do we need a particular day to remember our mom???

Are we dependent on any specific day to acknowledge what ever our mom has done for us? I believe we do not need any day to praise our mom.. Our mom did for us, does for us, and will continue to do for us, as long we live. the unending love of our mom will continue. It will persist through out our whole life, be it the worldly life or live after hereafter.

As i was still wondering on Mother's Day, I started to think about dad too.. On that particular day I ended up deciding that something has to be written by me for my parents. Both, mom and dad are the precious part of the life. One cannot live easily without any of them. Both equally contribute towards the personality development of an individual.

So was the case with me. I started analyzing what could be the possible difference between this relation and the other relations. I concluded that every relation in this world demands something from you. Your friend's circle has definite criteria to be fulfilled. Our relatives, teachers, colleagues, seniors, juniors, and even strangers expects something (and sometimes a lot)from us. We end our lives in meeting the demands of our relations.

But what we forget are the demands of our parents. We mostly take our parents for granted. We seldom think of loosing them. We often overlook the expectations of our parents. We mostly fail to identify the significance of their demands. They want us to do like this and that. We take this as a burden. But this is the only relation in the world that demands from you not for themselves, but for your well being ultimately.

This is what I called the difference between parents and other relations. It is what I call an immense degree of self love. The expectations of our parents are in the end fruitful for us. If they want us to do something, it is not for their benefit. It is actually for our betterment. We fail to recognize that what is hidden in our parent's expectations and commands is the well being of their child....