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Monday, October 13, 2014

What are flaws in Apple iWatch

Everywhere the technology geeks are talking about Apple’s iWatch. This iWatch is expected to launch late in 2014. Besides loving the convenience of this wearable device, there are a number of haters too. In this article, we will discuss about the drawbacks of Apple’s iWatch. Here you go:
Technology reviewers and bloggers are of the view that Apple did not came up with a perfect idea of this wearable device. Besides finding some flaws in this device, they are of the view that the watch will not do a good business. It is due to the reason that bloggers have already mentioned its flaws and people are now aware of the entire picture. Technology bloggers say that no one will be willing to spend a huge amount for a product that has great drawbacks. On one hand, the watch has some screen issues while on the other hand there is a battery issue. When buying these gadgets, people are mostly concerned regarding a good battery time and this is where Apple iWatch is lacking. Yes, the battery time is low and due to this reason, technology bloggers think that it will not be a successful invention by Apple.

Not only is, this but there is another lacking of a smart watch book. It has neither a cover nor a book. After a comparison of these three main drawbacks, experts are of the view that battery life is the main drawback that can affect Apple. Since the watch is developed for convenience, it should have a long battery life. What is the use of all the features when the battery life is not up to the mark? This factor irritates most of the buyers. Thus, Apple’s iWatch is not error free and it does with a big drawback of battery life.

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