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Saturday, September 27, 2014

How to increase conversion rates of landing pages

Many of us are concerned to increase the conversion rate of landing pages. In this article, we will share some tips to increase your landing page conversion rate. Here you go:
The first thing to keep I mind id to make your page attractive enough to keep the visitors. Do not make it look boring and dull. Keep the color contrast in mind. Have you ever thought why some brands have great conversion rates while others have low? These tiny things such as color combination, click buttons, button shapes, testimonials, headliners and so on counts a lot. People do research on these little things and gain visitors attention. Therefore, if you are ignoring this stuff, you are at a mistake. Make sure that the headliner is creative as well as compelling. It should answer a concern and it will be better if you make the headliner based on “how-to stuff”. The more informative your content and headliner is, the better it will be. You can also test different headliners by using different tools. These tools tell you that which headliner will be the best.

Similarly, it is also imperative to keep your focus on reviews and testimonials. People read reviews and then develop trust. Besides this, make sure that the form on your page is to the point. Do not make it lengthy and boring. Unnecessary information will make the visitor switch to some other page. In addition to this, do not ask for filling the form. When the visitor will see, he will automatically fill out the form, if he is interested. Not only is this, but affective call to action, color and shapes of icon, and graphics on your page also matters a lot. Follow these tips and increase conversion rate of your landing page. 

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